Tag Archives: Pug video

Pug in the park

Pogo having the best time ever with his buddies at the park. . .

Pogo, Pippa and Iggy

Pogo demanding some attention from Iggy’s Dad

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Pogo and Pippa

Meet Pippa! Pogo’s friend from nextdoor…

At first I was really anxious about letting Pogo play with such a big dog. But Pippa was determined to be friends with Pogo! After getting to know her, turns out shes a sweet girl! She comes to the window to see if Pogo can come out to play…


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Good Friday!

Have I mentioned before that Pogo loves the beach? Because, holy moly! Pogo LOVES the beach! Today is Good Friday, a very good day for a family picnic on the sand at Woody Point! Pogo couldn’t wait to get his paws wet. The water was so warm that the pug ran in without a second glance back to shore to see if we were following! He even tried a bit of underwater snorkling…  at 00:39 & 00:50 (lol!)

After some paw-paddling we set up our picnic on the sand in the shade. Pogo found a labrador puppy to play with and Lisa showed him how to hunt for crabs under the rocks!

Pogo’s first Easter is off to a good start!


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Puppy school

Last night was Pogo’s second last puppy school class. After a quick session of lead training the trainer brought out the tunnel and the see-saw. Pogo is not super keen on the see-saw and was pretty scared of the tunnel at first. After watching the other puppy’s run back and forth through the tunnel a few times, with a bit of encouragement Pogo finally plucked up the courage and ran through on his own! I was too busy coaxing the pug into the tunnel to capture it on film, but I did manage to get a little video of Pogo wrestling with mini schnauzer, Elvis before contemplating the tunnel for the first time.

Next week is Puppy School graduation!






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