Tag Archives: Cute pug

Pogo and friends

Pogo rehearsing with his vocal trio!

It’s no secret that pugs love people! Pogo wants to get to know everyone! He is very social (extremely nosy) and gets very upset if he hears people outside and he can’t go out to greet them. He is like a combination of neighbourhood watch captain and hollywood socialite!

Today Pogo’s godparents Mak and Justin took us out for a little stroll along the mudflats. Pogo was all wet so uncle J had to wrap him up!

Pogo looking like a baby…


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A break in the deluge!

Finally a day of sunshine! Washing is drying on the line, and the Pug and I went for a much needed walk! Pogo loves to chart some uncharted territory, so here he is checking out a new park in our new neighbourhood! On our walk we found a bridge. Pogo had to investigate…

This park is huge and comes complete with an off leash dog area, a creek, and a walking track that goes for miles in both directions!

Poor little pug could barely handle the heat after a few days cooped up indoors out of the rain. He huffed and puffed all the way, even after several stops for water and a rest. So back home we go to wash the mud off his puggy belly! And for a well earned nap…

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Valentines Day

Yesterday was Valentines Day and the first official day that Pogo is allowed to play in the park and meet strange dogs! Hooray for being fully vaccinated! He didn’t meet any other dogs but he did go nuts running in the park underneath the Story Bridge. I snapped a few photos of Rata and Pogo having some hang time in the park!

Since it was Valentines Day I made a carrot cake. Pogo waited patiently on the floor by the oven, listening to the ticking of the timer. Silly pug, you should know by now that nothing ever comes out of the oven for you! Hehe.

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