Category Archives: Pogo videos

Agility Pug

Pogo tried the ramps for the first time today at the dog park, with a little bit of encouragement from some pug pals, Trevor (black pug) and Snuffy…

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Pug in the park

Pogo having the best time ever with his buddies at the park. . .

Pogo, Pippa and Iggy

Pogo demanding some attention from Iggy’s Dad

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Pogo’s toy review – Squeeky Lion

Recently I purchased the ‘Bulldog’ version of the Lion squeeker, and it was promptly stolen and destroyed by Pogo’s best friend Pippa the Pitbull. So I made another trip to Crazy Clarks to replace it, and I found this one! Pogo likes to use this toy in lots of ways – he likes to fetch the lion squeeker, he likes to chew the lion squeeker and most of all he likes to squeek the lion squeeker! Squeeker toys can be pretty annoying to the human members of the household, so if Pogo has been squeeking up a storm, the toys usually get hidden for a few days!

Here is a little video I made of Pogo playing with his Lion squeeker…

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Cold snap!

Its the day after Anzac Day, so according to me it is officially winter! This morning was so cold that Pogo stayed snuggled up under the doona until after 9 o’clock! While I was running errands I found this little knitted turtle-neck that I thought might help to keep the Pug warm on these chilly mornings!

His favourite spot, at the window…

Yesterday being Anzac Day, we took Pogo to the beach at Sandgate. He loved running and playing in the shallow water, and barking at our fish and chips! (Even though his Grandma gave him his own piece of whiting!) As we were walking back to the car, someone asked me if he is a Staffy. I couldn’t help but laugh at my sweet little Pug being mistaken for a big tough Staffordshire Bull Terrier!

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Easter Pugs!

Happy Easter everyone!!!

Yesterday was pug party day! Pogo had a great time hanging out with his pug buddies. Here are a few photos and videos I took of the gang…

Sheltering from the sun…

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Pogo and Pippa

Meet Pippa! Pogo’s friend from nextdoor…

At first I was really anxious about letting Pogo play with such a big dog. But Pippa was determined to be friends with Pogo! After getting to know her, turns out shes a sweet girl! She comes to the window to see if Pogo can come out to play…


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Good Friday!

Have I mentioned before that Pogo loves the beach? Because, holy moly! Pogo LOVES the beach! Today is Good Friday, a very good day for a family picnic on the sand at Woody Point! Pogo couldn’t wait to get his paws wet. The water was so warm that the pug ran in without a second glance back to shore to see if we were following! He even tried a bit of underwater snorkling…  at 00:39 & 00:50 (lol!)

After some paw-paddling we set up our picnic on the sand in the shade. Pogo found a labrador puppy to play with and Lisa showed him how to hunt for crabs under the rocks!

Pogo’s first Easter is off to a good start!


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Puppy school

Last night was Pogo’s second last puppy school class. After a quick session of lead training the trainer brought out the tunnel and the see-saw. Pogo is not super keen on the see-saw and was pretty scared of the tunnel at first. After watching the other puppy’s run back and forth through the tunnel a few times, with a bit of encouragement Pogo finally plucked up the courage and ran through on his own! I was too busy coaxing the pug into the tunnel to capture it on film, but I did manage to get a little video of Pogo wrestling with mini schnauzer, Elvis before contemplating the tunnel for the first time.

Next week is Puppy School graduation!






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