Pogo and the sea

It was the nicest of overcast Sunday afternoons so it was the perfect day to take Pogo to the seaside at Redcliffe! Pogo had a great time running on the sand and seeing the waves for the first time ever! It occured to me after that should I ever become super rich, I would like to employ a pug-photogropher, so I can play with the crazy pug AND photograph the crazy pug at the same time!

After paddling his paws all the way up and down the little stretch of dog-friendly beach, he was all wet and sandy and in need of a nice soft towel to dry off his little pug underbelly!

Then a little rest and a chew…

Then accross the street for some fish and chips. See me mesmerize a pug with this pineapple ring! Sorry Pogo, not for you!!

Perfect day out 🙂

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